sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

British Council Talking English - June 2010

Argentina eNews Talking English
click to contact usJune 2010
Talking English

Talking English June 2010

Dear all,

The World Cup is here and you must be feeling the excitement in the classroom by now! A great way to translate your students' enthusiasm for football into improved English language ability is through the exciting new project 'Premier Skills'; you can find more information on this below. If you are an English language teacher in primary school, you can participate in a survey we are running globally with Aston University. This is an opportunity to tell the world about what is happening in primary ELT in Argentina: don't miss it! You will also find more news on competitions from the UK, and some useful resources for teachers. This month in Talking English:

  • Premier Skills - learning through two global communication tools; English and football.
  • BBC World Class - get your school involved in the 2010 World Cup.
  • Aston University-British Council Survey - for English teachers at primary schools.
  • International Playwriting Competition - win £1,000 and travel to London.
  • Neighbours - a speaking lesson plan for your students.
  • Train - the new area on TeachingEnglish for teacher trainer materials.

Kind regards,

Mary Godward

Projects and Partnerships Director

British Council, Argentina

Premier Skills

Premier Skills is a collaborative project between the British Council and the Premier League to help develop English language skills through football. Visit our website or attend the Premier Skills presentation at ESSARP on 17 June to find out more.

BBC World Class

The British Council and the BBC are celebrating the 2010 World Cup by working together with schools around the world to create a giant on-line photo album, the BBC World Class. Get your school involved and become part of the biggest show on earth!

Aston University Survey

Aston University and the British Council, are conducting a worldwide survey about the experiences and challenges that English teachers at primary schools face, and would love to hear your opinions in their on-line questionnaire.

Trinity Guildhall

Trinity Guildhall is raising the curtain on an exciting new project; the International Playwriting Competition. Entrants are asked to write a one-act play for a young audience. As well as receiving a £1,000 cash prize, the winner will be invited to attend a performance of their own play in London's West End.

This speaking lesson plan is all about neighbours - something nearly all students will be familiar with. Neutral topics tend to revolve around everyday things, but do give everybody chance to talk. And after all, you can make anything interesting if you try.


Train is a new area on TeachingEnglish, and the place to go if you are looking for teacher training materials. There are videos, workshop materials and online courses on topics such as teaching grammar, using learning technologies and understanding learner styles.

If you are a learner or teacher of English, LearnEnglish has something for you.

Teaching English - produced by the BBC and the British Council as a resource for teachers.

ELTeCS - a professional network helping teachers work together across borders to share knowledge and improve practice in their regions.

The United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.
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