| 8:3O 8:5O | Registration |
| 9:00 - 10:30 hs |
| Susan Hillyard | What’s Doing? Teaching Thinking Skills in the EFL Classroom
| We learn by “doing”. But what is “doing”? Teachers can SEE if students are engaged in activity e.g. reading, writing, speaking and listening but surely the most important skill, fundamental to all these activities, is THINKING. In other words thinking is doing. This presentation will examine the necessity of teaching thinking skills in the language classroom. | | | Susan Hillyard | | Susan Hillyard, B.Ed.Warwick University (U.K.) Worked in fifteen countries. Prof. Language IV at two major ITT colleges in Buenos Aires. Former Educational Advisor for The Performers Theatre. Now a NILE Associate Trainer, training European teachers on intensive courses on methodology. Co-authored a Resource Book for Teachers “Global Issues” for OUP, and taught on-line courses on Creativity, TKT and on English in the World, MA TESOL, New School Uni, New York. Member of writing team for on-line modules for Inglés, Inglês, English: ESP for South American Teachers for the British Council. Designed the Hong Kong, British Council Summer School Courses for Teens and co-authored the TDI-TKT on-line course for Pearson, New York. Executive Editor for Development, LACLIL, on-line journal | | | | | 
Analía Kandel | 10:30 - 11:OO Coffee Break | 11:15 - 12:30 | Successful lesson planning – YLE Listening & Speaking | This seminar focuses on developing successful lesson plans for teaching English in schools with YLE. The presenter will demonstrate how to incorporate content from Cambridge ESOL exam syllabus into your Speaking and Listening lesson plan. In addition to this, the presenter will share ideas for evaluating and sharing your lesson plans and will show resources that will motivate learners. | | Analía Kandel | | Analía Kandel is a graduate teacher of English (Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado "Dr. Joaquín V. González") and was awarded a Master of Arts in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (with Distinction, The University of Reading, UK). She is the President of APIBA (Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Buenos Aires), Head of the Foreign Languages Department at Boston College, Information and Special Programmes Officer in the Language Policy Area at the Ministry of Education of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, member of the Education Committee (Languages Subcommittee) of Feria Internacional del Libro de Buenos Aires, author of APIBA SIGs Handbook, coursebook reviewer and materials writer. | |  Ray Dalton | 14:00 a 15:30 | Healthy Schools – Bullying. | Perhaps one of the most difficult challenges that modern education faces is related to violence in its many forms. Bullying is a term used to describe the many ways in which students suffer physical and / or psychological abuse. This workshop explores this complex question offering insights into the patterns of behavior typical of bully and victim as well as guidelines for prevention, detection and solution. | | Ray Dalton | | Ray Dalton obtained his licentiate in Dogmatic Theology in the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome having previously graduated in philosophy and theology in St. Patrick´s University, Maynooth, Ireland. He is also a certified Counselor, Logotherapist and Art Therapist with post-graduate studies in cognitive and systemic psychology. He holds a Masters in Analytical Psychology. He is a Coach, graduating for the only government approved coaching program in Argentina where he also has worked both as teacher and director.He is presently working on his doctoral dissertation in the Doctoral Program in Psychology of the Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires. For the past twenty-five years he has worked as a professor, counselor, psychotherapist, coach and advisor in areas related to personal and social development. He also worked as educator and facilitator in programs organized by the European Regional Development Fund and as Coordinator of pastoral care in primary and secondary schools. Since 1983, in Italy, Ireland, England and Argentina, he has participated in programs of formation in human development as educator, coordinator and director. He is Coordinator for programs of social and personal development in the Instituto Superior de la Carrera - Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires- where he has designed and implemented a variety of formation programs baseed on the particular needs of each group of participants. | | | | | | | | | |  | | | 15:3O - 16:OO Coffee Break |
| 16:15 a 17:30 | Lucrecia Prat Gay | James Murray | DRAMA GROWS DENDRITES | “ The quality of civilization can be measured through its music, visual arts, dance, drama and literature. We must give our children knowledge and understanding of civilization´s most profound works”. Ernest Boyer
As we learn more about the brain we continue to find clues as to why the activities required for the Arts are so fundamental to the brain´s activities. Cognitive areas of the brain are developed as the child learns songs and rhymes; dancing and movement develop gross motor skills and the sum of these activities enhances emotional well-being. In this workshop, we will look into Sir Ken Robinson “new curriculum”, we will act out scenes from the “great ones” and we will learn with our minds, bodies and hearts, that movement anchors thought, that relaxation boosts learning and that our brain remembers best when the process has been enjoyed. | | | Lucrecia Prat Gay | | James Murray | | | | A life-long learner who has been teaching for 28 years and coordinating since 1990, she co-founded Río de la Plata SUR and is its Head of English. She holds a Self-Esteem Practioner Degree and has finished her studies in Neurosicoeducaciòn. Lucrecia also studied Brain Based Learning overseas, and has been successfully putting the model into practice for the last ten years. She has spoken at countless conferences and seminars throughout the country and abroad sharing her passion for the brain and the role of emotions in learning and is now an International Teacher Trainer for Oxford University Press. Deeply committed to making a positive and significant difference in her students’ lives, she has taught Literature for the IGCSE Exams, is a “retired actress” who worships Shakespeare and a loving mother to Juan and Jazmin. | | Studied Acting in BA with Carlos Gandolfo, Augusto Fernandes and Eric Morr at the H.B.Studio and with Penny Allen thanks to a sponsorship by Robert de Niro. Jamie attended a post graduate one year course in Classical Acting at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art thanks to a scholarship from the Fondo Nacional de las Artes and the British Council. Drama Teacher, Actor,Director with over 60 productions!At present Director of the musical “Según Cole Porter” | |  | THURSDAY 18TH | | 8:3O 8:5O | Registration |
| 9:00 A 10:30 | Gerardo Valazza | Killing two birds with one stone: exam preparation and language learning | How compatible are exam preparation and language learning? Can we prepare students for an exam and help them to learn a foreign language at the very same time through the very same activities? During this presentation we will explore the answers to these questions and demonstrate a number of teaching ideas which will help us to reach a conclusion. The activities and the teaching resources the presenter will describe will focus on Cambridge ESOL FCE Paper 5 – Speaking. However, the practical ideas and the guiding principles underlying the activities are also applicable to other Cambridge ESOL exams. | | Gerardo Valazza | | Gerardo Valazza is the Director General at Instituto Cultural Anglo Uruguayo and Cambridge ESOL Centre Exams Manager for Uruguay. He has been involved in teaching and teacher training activities since 1989 and 1996 respectively. He holds the University of Manchester MEd in ELT and the RSA Diploma in TEFLA. His main area of interest in ELT is teacher education. | | | | | | | 
| 10:30 - 11:OO Coffee Break |
| Dramatic performance gives students an opportunity to express emotions, to solve problems, to make decisions, to socialize, and to develop empathy which eventually contributes to their self-esteem.
In dramatic activities, students learn to use language effectively and creatively. Drama exercises are also useful in the development of various skills: speaking, listening, reading, writing, thinking…
The purpose of drama games is to contribute to students' personality growth and facilitate their learning by having them respond to situations, dilemmas, or conflicts assuming the role of imagined characters. Almost all students, regardless of their artistic skills for acting, can perform and benefit from drama. | | Pat Gómez | | Graduate teacher of English from Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado Técnico - UTN. Lecturer in Language and Children´s Literature at Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado Técnico - Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Former lecturer in Children´s Literature at IES en Lenguas Vivas. Graduate in Leisure Studies from Instituto Inés Moreno. Actress; trained in Drama, Acting, Clown, Singing, Dancing, Directing and Musical Theatre with teachers from Buenos Aires (Hugo Midón, Carlos Gianni, Ricky Pashkus, Sandra Guida, Julio Chávez, Enrique Federman, among others) and New York (Roni Dengel, Fred Rolf, Bruce Katzman). She has performed leading roles in various English plays with The Suburban Players, The Buenos Aires Players, and Actors Repertory Theatre. She played Lady Nijo in 2008 ART production of “Top Girls” at the British Arts Centre. Storyteller; graduate from Instituto Argentino de Narración Oral, trained with storytellers from Argentina (Liliana Cinetto, María Héguiz, Ana María Bovo), Chile (Carlos Genovese) and England (Ben Haggarty). Former editor of the magazine “English Teaching in Action”. She has published two books in English: “Rhymes and Fingerplays” and "Creative Activities with Newspapers, Magazines, Catalogs and Dictionaries". She has translated into English the prize-winning play for toddlers “Chiches”, written by María Inés Falconi. Pat is an active lecturer and delivers workshops and seminars in English and Spanish. | | | | | | | 
| 14:00 a 15:30 | Ray Dalton | Integral Leadership: Listening Skills and Networking. | This workshop explores a leadership model useful for teacher and pupil alike. The invitation is to relax, interact and delve into the different people skills involved in creative leadership. This model also serves as a simple yet profound guideline for the promotion of co-responsible networking between teachers, parents and pupils | | Ray Dalton | | Ray Dalton obtained his licentiate in Dogmatic Theology in the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome having previously graduated in philosophy and theology in St. Patrick´s University, Maynooth, Ireland. He is also a certified Counselor, Logotherapist and Art Therapist with post-graduate studies in cognitive and systemic psychology. He holds a Masters in Analytical Psychology. He is a Coach, graduating for the only government approved coaching program in Argentina where he also has worked both as teacher and director.He is presently working on his doctoral dissertation in the Doctoral Program in Psychology of the Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires. For the past twenty-five years he has worked as a professor, counselor, psychotherapist, coach and advisor in areas related to personal and social development. He also worked as educator and facilitator in programs organized by the European Regional Development Fund and as Coordinator of pastoral care in primary and secondary schools. Since 1983, in Italy, Ireland, England and Argentina, he has participated in programs of formation in human development as educator, coordinator and director. He is Coordinator for programs of social and personal development in the Instituto Superior de la Carrera - Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires- where he has designed and implemented a variety of formation programs baseed on the particular needs of each group of participants. | | | | | | | 
| 15:3O - 16:OO Coffee Break |
| 16:15 a 17:30 | Susan Hillyard | Thinking Songs | It has become widely understood that effective language learning involves more than the four integrated skills of ELT. The missing link is the fifth dimension ........that of teaching thinking. This plenary /workshop looks at the need for language learners to enjoy, and learn from music and song in the target language. It emphasizes the development of higher order thinking skills through song related activities and defines how different strategies can develop different types of cognitive capacities. There will be a little theory and lots of action. | | Susan Hillyard | | Susan Hillyard, B.Ed.Warwick University (U.K.) Worked in fifteen countries. Prof. Language IV at two major ITT colleges in Buenos Aires. Former Educational Advisor for The Performers Theatre. Now a NILE Associate Trainer, training European teachers on intensive courses on methodology. Co-authored a Resource Book for Teachers “Global Issues” for OUP, and taught on-line courses on Creativity, TKT and on English in the World, MA TESOL, New School Uni, New York. Member of writing team for on-line modules for Inglés, Inglês, English: ESP for South American Teachers for the British Council. Designed the Hong Kong, British Council Summer School Courses for Teens and co-authored the TDI-TKT on-line course for Pearson, New York. Executive Editor for Development, LACLIL, on-line journal.
| | | | | | |  | 8:3O 8:5O | Registration |
| 9:00 a 10:30 hs |
| Pat Sala | ..."Thank you for the words that do inspire and those words that burn like fire"... | wrote Benjamin Zephaniah in his For Word, and I add… Thanks for the words which help me teach, So the language comes within my students’ reach. Pat Sala We’ll talk about words as a starting point and as a stepping stone for the acquisition of grammar. We’ll see how students can experience words in all kinds of association to help them make those words their own. Practical ideas, activities, …and lots of words. | | Pat Sala |
| INSP J.V.Gonzalez graduate. Licenciada en Lengua Inglesa USAL. Teacher and teacher educador. At present head of primary Bayard School, teacher at Leeds School of Engilsh, teacher trainer at CEPA | | | 
| 10:30 - 11:OO Coffee Break |
| 11:15 a 12:30 | Marylin Fogg | Communication and Intercultural Interactions | Learn how culture affects all we do: Pure communication is impossible, as we all bring prior associations to the communication process. - We communicate in many ways, and much of our communication is unconscious.
- We see what we expect to see.
- We don’t see what we don’t expect to see.
- We all perceive things differently.
| | Marylin Fogg | | Marilyn is an instructor and facilitator in communication skills and corporate training. Born and educated in the UK, she lived in Austria, Switzerland and the US before settling in Argentina. Her expertise in intercultural awareness and cross culture communications is founded on experience, training (CIC Amsterdam) and research. She has 3 grown up children and in her spare time dances 5 Rhythms by Gabrielle Roth. | | | | | | | 
| 14:00 a 15:30 | To be confirmed | | 
| | 15:3O - 16:OO Coffee Break |
| | | Pat Gómez | James Murray | IMPRO: YOU CAN DO IT ! | Improvisation –making it up as you go along- is the most immediate form of drama. In an improvisation, the participants become part of the action straight away, without any preparation or memorizing. Why is improvisation a valuable tool for learning? Because it enables participants to express feelings and thoughts, to relate and communicate. Because it helps to develop imagination, creativity, tolerance, understanding, and communication. Improvisation can be applied to teach any subject at any level and it can be an isolated piece of work or it can be kept, developed and built on. | | 

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