martes, 7 de junio de 2011

APIBA SIGs Timetable

APIBA SIGs Timetable

Year 12, No. 3 - June 2011

Dear all,

We would like to invite you to join the APIBA SIGs' sessions to be held in June. You can read the schedules and agendas below.

Please remember that everyone can join a SIG. All you need is to be keen to learn, share ideas, meet colleagues and develop as a professional.

APIBA runs SIGs on relevant areas in the field of the teaching of English, such as Literature, Methodology, Language and Phonology and, for those who are busy and interested in new technologies, there is the e-Teaching and Learning (e-TL) SIG, which meets online. This year APIBA has launched a new SIG: Professional Issues SIG.

If you have any questions regarding the existing SIGs or have a proposal for a SIG on a new field, please feel free to contact us at to find out about procedures and rules. See SIGs FAQs at SIGs.

The 2011 SIGs Calendar (all year’s sessions) is available from APIBA Blog (sidebar)

Best regards,

Viviana Myslicki and Romina Arena

APIBA SIGs Liaison Officers

APIBA SIGs Timetable

June 2011


Coordinator: Alicia Perera

Assistant Coordinators: Bettina Engelman and Victoria Thomas

VENUE: WizIQ (online). New members who are not well-acquainted with the use of this platform can also meet face to face with some other SIGgers at INSPT, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Av. Triunvirato 3174, CABA, Classroom 1.01. Note: Members should bring their own laptop / netbook if they have one.

DATE / TIME: Saturday June 11, 9.00 to 10.30

AGENDA: WIZIQ presenter: Bettina Engelmann (Victoria Thomas-assistant)
1. 10-minute Sharing: useful websites (all members)
2. Wikis: follow-up Q & A session, conducted by Daniela Tonelli
3. Interactive White Boards
4. Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. Article by George Siemens. The article can be retrieved at

Important: Please make sure you complete the set pre-task BEFORE the meeting in order to be able to follow online discussions.

- Read out websites, watch video tutorials, look for information, devote time to exploring (learning by doing, trial & error, etc) the e-tools to be dealt with.

- Think of the application of each e-tool to teaching / learning English

- Prepare questions to ask, points to raise and tips to share on the e-tools in focus and/or related issues.

Professional Issues SIG

Coordinators: María Gabriela Di Gesú and Lilian López

VENUE: INSPT, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Av. Triunvirato 3174, CABA, Classroom 1.02

DATE / TIME: Saturday, June 11, 11.00 to12.30


Teaching and Professionalism: SIG members will choose an article about this topic to read for the meeting. The reading should focus on main aspects considered. SIG members will have 10 minutes to comment on their findings, followed by an exchange of ideas.

New members are welcome to join this SIG, regardless of whether they have chosen an article or not.

Language & Phonology SIG

Coordinators: María Inés Artigas de Cambiasso and Adriana Mizrahi

Assistant Coordinator: Bettina Engelman

VENUE: INSPT, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Av. Triunvirato 3174, CABA, Classroom 1.01

DATE / TIME: Saturday, June 11, 11.00 to 13.15


1- How Do You Say? Spot: Some more queries related to the language of elections, plus a new area: childhood games.


Impugnar un voto, voto impugnado (at the official tally centre, not spoiled by the voter) – Indeciso - Mesa

Childhood games

Here is a list to begin with; feel free to add more!

Mancha – Quemado - Punto y coma, el que no se escondió se embroma - Piedra libre (para todos mis compañeros) - ¡Sangre! - Irse a Berlín - Gallito ciego - Pato ñato - ¡Canté pri!


Depiladora - tender (de ropa) - Discontinuous (line of products that a business no longer offers on the market) - Feria americana (for commercial purposes, not for charity)

2- Coffee break

3- Cultural Awareness Segment: members will contribute passages from different textbooks, novels, short stories, etc, with interesting cultural references.

4- Phonology Segment: Discussion of Global English and the teaching of pronunciation, an article contributed by one of our members. The article can be retrieved at

Literature SIG

Coordinators: Mónica Cuello and Cecilia Weber

VENUE: INSPT, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Av. Triunvirato 3174, CABA, Classroom 1.02

DATE / TIME: Saturday, June 25, 10.00 to 12.00


SIG members will discuss the poetry of Kamala Das.

Everyone is kindly welcome to participate in the Lit SIG even without having read the material. We wish to encourage NEW members to come along and enjoy Literature.

Anybody who would like to join this SIG, please write to New members will be sent the reading material by e-mail.

Methodology SIG

Coordinators: Gabriela Kornecki and Nibia Yermos

VENUE: Liceo Cultural Británico, Flores, Granaderos 55, CABA

DATE / TIME: Saturday, June 18, 10.00 to 12.00


1. Discussion on Lessons from Good Language Learners (Edited by Carol Griffiths), Chapter 8. This chapter deals with the topic of autonomy and good language learners.

2. Psycholinguistics by Thomas Scovel. This time, we will be talking about language production and comprehension.

The Methodology SIG welcomes anyone willing to join them!


1. APIBA SIGs Liaison Officers and APIBA SIG Coordinators are all APIBA Members who generously help the Association by performing their roles ad honorem.

2. a. Paid-up APIBA Members, b. Members of paid-up FAAPI Associations, and c. teacher trainees can participate FREE OF CHARGE. In ALL cases proof of status is required: a. and b. will be asked to produce their current receipt and c. their student card (last exam taken in current or previous academic year; otherwise bring "certificado de alumno regular"). All others: $20 contribution per session.

3. Pre-enrolment is not essential, but it is desirable. If possible, those interested in participating in SIG meetings please e-mail to confirm their attendance. Those who can't confirm, please come anyway. To join the e-TL SIG, please contact For this online SIG, anyone who does not belong in categories a), b) and c) above are asked to pay $150 as a token non-member contribution for all the e-TL meetings of the year.

4. For further information please see SIGs FAQs at SIGs, the 2011 SIGs Calendar (all year’s sessions) on APIBA Blog (sidebar) or contact

APIBA Executive Committee

In accordance with legal regulations for “Asociaciones Civiles”, the APIBA Executive Committee is composed of elected Members of the Association (see APIBA Statutes, Article 8) who perform their duties ad honorem.

President: Analía Kandel

Vice-President: Graciela C. Moyano

Secretary: María Luisa Ghisalberti

Treasurer: Virginia López Grisolía

Deputy Treasurer: Paula Miniño


Claudia Naom

Marina Cantarutti

Laura Aza

Gabriela Madera

Contact APIBA

Please contact APIBA by e-mail:


Twitter - Blog - E-group - APIBA in LinkedIn - Facebook

APIBA Office at SBS Bookshop, Av. Coronel Díaz 1747, CABA

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