jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

Talking English Enewsletter

Talking English

February 2011

Last week for Hornby Scholarship applications


Every year the Hornby Educational Trust offers scholarships to ELT professionals to study a full-time one-year Masters degree in the UK. We will be taking applications until 0900 on 21 February 2011. To find out more about this prestigious scholarship and for information on how to apply, please visit our website.

Important: If you sent your application form between 10 January and 04 February please resend your email to becas@britishcouncil.org.ar due to technical problems with our server.

APIBA-APRIR webinar for teachers associations

On Saturday 12 March at 1000, Analía Kandel, President of APIBA, will be delivering an online webinar on last year's IATEFL Conference, at which she represented FAAPI. In particular, Analía will deliver a summary of the sessions on "Marketing and Fundraising for Teaching Associations".
For more information and enrolment please contact aprir.2009@yahoo.com.ar.


Argentina and the UK linked through sport and music

The Sporting Nations Community Choirs celebrated the bicentenary and the strong link between Argentina and the UK through music and sport. Follow this link and meet the choirs!

What kind of teacher are you?

Find out with the new British Council Facebook app. It's a quiz inspired by the theory of multiple intelligences which suggests that people learn and do things in very different ways. The app's also on site if you're not on Facebook. Eagle? Dolphin? Polar bear? See if your students agree...

"When a man is tired of Dorset, he is tired of life"

No? Find out more... This downloadable lesson plan with audio focuses on practising vocabulary, listening skills and note-taking while listening to quite a challenging audio script. "Dorset Life" is part of a series of lesson plans based on interviews with people from around the UK.

Teen Angst

"Is it any wonder that modern teenage literature sells so much better in fantasy than in realism - when real life is so stressful?" Melvin Burgess, the acclaimed and often controversial writer of children's fiction, says that School needs reform. Tell us what you think.

Reading and Comprehension

What do the following publications have in common? "Milestones" (classic ELT texts), and "English Next" and "English Next India" by lingua-futurologist David Graddol? Answer: they're all free downloads from Teaching English 'Transform. And there are many others, too. Get reading!

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