jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011

Charles Dickens' Bicentennary Workshop




British Council is pleased to invite you to the illustration and creative writing workshop to celebrate Charles Dickens' bicentenary. The workshop is aimed at English language teachers who would like to learn more about his work, literary skills and ability to describe the realities of 19th century England with humour, intelligence and wit.

British specialists, Woodrow Phoenix (graphic designer and illustrator) and Richard T. Kelly (writer) will deliver the workshop. Griselda Beacon, MA in English and American Literature, will present the British Council's local and international Dickens programme for 2012.

Join us on Monday 14th November, from 17.30 to 19.30, at the British Council's office (Marcelo T. de Alvear 590, 4th floor, Buenos Aires).
Please RSVP to agustina.odella@britishcouncil.org.ar as there are a limited number of places available.


© British Council
La organización internacional del Reino Unido para las relaciones culturales y oportunidades educativas.

Organización benéfica registrada: 209131 (Inglaterra y Gales) SC037733(Escocia).
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Talking English Enewsletter


Talking English

August 2011

Call for Summer School Trainers

The British Council Argentina is holding a series of summer schools and workshops during February 2012 on Information and Communications Technology for English Language Teaching. We are currently recruiting trainers / facilitators to deliver these courses. Please visit our website for more information and for details on how to apply.

Dickens 2012

Dickens 2012 is a major celebration of events and activities to mark the bicentenary of Charles Dickens that falls on February 7th 2012. Find out more about both the programme and British Council produced teaching materials which are free to download. The British Council Argentina will also be running a series of workshops in Buenos Aires this month on creative writing and sketches inspired by Dickens' work. For more information please contact agustina.odella@britishcouncil.org.ar.


What do your learners know about football? What do you know? Test out your and their vocabulary with this lesson plan and its worksheets, which is part of the English for the Games series: lesson plans based on Olympic and Paralympic sports.

Not unit 5!

You might be familiar with this exclamation - do you ever open a coursebook and wonder how you're going to get your students talking? In this article, Luke Meddings argues that coursebooks often constrain us as teachers and lead us to missing opportunities in the classroom.

Research papers

Our new series on the big issues in ELT begins with a paper on Global Practices in Teaching English to Young Learners. You can download this paper for free to read about the research and five key recommendations for future action to support teaching English to young learners.

Digital literacy

The latest in our Seminars series sees Gavin Dudeney answer the question 'What is digital literacy?' He also talks about its implications for us as teachers, and gives you lots of practical ideas to try out in your own classrooms.

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martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

Call for Summer School Trainers


Call for applications for posts of facilitator/trainer for summer schools and workshops to be held in Argentina, February 2012

The British Council, Argentina, is holding a series of summer schools and workshops during February 2012 on the following theme: Information and Communications Technology for English Language Teaching

We are planning four summer schools/workshops, as follows:

1. ICT for ELT Summer School 1 Aimed at a group of 24-30 key individuals from Argentina, Chile Uruguay and Paraguay who will share ideas and experiences of using ICT in English Language Teaching, extend their knowledge of ICT in ELT principles and methodology, and become familiar with British Council online products for ELT . We envisage a series of input sessions from the Director and a local facilitator/trainer, making use of participants' own knowledge and experience where appropriate, with case studies from the region, and the UK. The school will contribute towards building up the British Council's reputation in digital technology for language teaching in Argentina and create a nexus of key people who are well-informed about the British Council's offer. Venue in Buenos Aires.

5 days. Facilitator/Trainer required.

2. ICT for ELT Summer School 2 A more practical workshop for 24-30 middle level trainers from state Ministries of Education, teachers associations and other ELT organisations in Argentina, focusing on Principles and Methodology of using ICT/Learning Technologies in the Classroom with specific reference to British Council digital products for teachers and learners. The participants will be expected to cascade their learning to other trainers and teachers. Venue outside Buenos Aires.

5 days. Facilitator/Trainer required.

3. Learn English Materials for Schools Workshop on the use of pre-loaded LearnEnglish materials being supplied on netbooks to secondary schools. The aim will be to familiarise participants with the pre-loaded materials and equip them with a toolkit on how to use these in the classroom, which they can use to cascade the workshop to other trainers/teachers in their state.

5 days. Facilitator/Trainer required.

4. TKT Workshop for Culturas Inglesas The workshop will orientate trainers/teachers from Culturas Inglesas in the Americas region in the use of British Council F2F and online materials to prepare candidates for the Cambridge ESOL Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT).

2 days. Director required.

Applicants for all posts should have the following qualifications and experience:

  • Language ability: excellent command of English
  • Qualifications: high level qualification in ELT/Teacher Training (eg Masters level, or equivalent)
  • Experience: substantial experience of teacher training and the use of Digital Technology in English language teaching
  • Professional skills: ability to work as part of a small team, work to deadlines, organise and run group work, conduct feedback sessions, produce and deliver materials and conduct a post-course evaluation
  • Knowledge of appropriate/relevant British Council digital assets/content or ability to acquire this knowledge and incorporate these assets into the workshop content.

  • For Post 4 (TKT Workshops for Culturas Inglesas) applicants should be familiar with the content and methodology used in teaching TKT Essentials both face to face and on-line.

For posts 1 - 3, successful applicants will be required to work very closely as part of a team with an internationally-recruited Course/Workshop Director, who will be responsible for finalising the overall structure of the programme in agreement with the Facilitator /trainer, the British Council and other stakeholders. The Facilitators/trainers will facilitate exchange of ideas amongst participants, run workshops and give short input sessions. They will be required to be available full-time (7 hours per day) for the duration of the programme.

Each summer school/workshop will be fully residential and accommodation and meals will be provided.for participants, and for the facilitator if required.

Preference will be given to experts able to teach/facilitate more than one of the summer schools/workshops.

How to apply

Interested experts should send a covering letter to Paul Woods, Regional English Adviserpaul.woods@britishcouncil.org.ar and include:

  • a current c.v.
  • a brief statement (up to 200 words) on their vision of the course content for the summer school(s) / workshops for which they are applying
  • two professional references
  • details of availability within the period 30th January to 24th February 2012.

Deadline for applications is Monday 7th November, 2011. Decisions on applications will be communicated by Friday 11th November 2011.


© British Council
La organización internacional del Reino Unido para las relaciones culturales y oportunidades educativas.

Organización benéfica registrada: 209131 (Inglaterra y Gales) SC037733(Escocia).
Nuestra política de privacidad y derechos de autor.
Nuestro esquema de libertad de información y publicaciones.


Get in motion


sábado, 29 de octubre de 2011

Talleres Noviembre Prof. Jennifer Herrin‏

Estimados colegas,

Los invitamos a asistir a las sesiones de noviembre dictadas por la Prof. Jennifer Herrin, Senior English Language Fellow del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos (ver detalles al pie).

Les recordamos que a estas sesiones concurren docentes de todas las lenguas (con un nivel básico de comprensión del idioma inglés, lengua nativa de la disertante), dado que el contenido es relevante a la metodología de enseñanza de las lenguas en general.

Saludos cordiales,

Dirección Operativa de Lenguas Extranjeras
Ministerio de Educación, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires



Dirección Operativa de Lenguas Extranjeras

dependiente de la Dirección General de Planeamiento Educativo

Ministerio de Educación, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

Con el apoyo de la Embajada de EEUU, Buenos Aires

Disertante: Jennifer M. Herrin

La Prof. Jennifer Herrin participa del Programa de Senior English Language Fellows del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos. De amplia trayectoria en la formación de docentes para la enseñanza de inglés como lengua extranjera, la Prof. Herrin está interesada en enfoques basados en tareas (TBLT), en metodologías interactivas y en el desarrollo de materiales y currícula para la enseñanza.

Estas sesiones están dirigidas a docentes y estudiantes de Profesorados de TODAS LAS LENGUAS, pero serán dictadas en IDIOMA INGLÉS.


Fecha: Miércoles 2 de noviembre

Horario: Ingreso 11.45 hs - Taller 12 a 14 hs

Lugar: Escuela Normal Superior Nº 1 en Lenguas Vivas "Pte. Roque Sáenz Peña", Av. Córdoba 1951, Auditorio "Máxima Lupo", C.A.B.A.


"Task-Based Activity Templates for Multi-Level Learners (Integrating the 4 Skills)"


"Many teachers face the challenge of creating activities, teaching multi-levels, and integrating authentic materials. This workshop takes participants through a series of task-based activity templates that are easy to reproduce and adapt for different content. The presenter will demonstrate how the activities can integrate the four skills and involve students of differing levels allowing each to improve at his/her own pace."


Fecha: Jueves 17 de noviembre

Horario: 11 a 13 hs

Lugar: CMD - Centro Metropolitano de Diseño, Algarrobo 1041, Barracas, C.A.B.A. - Ver "Cómo llegar" http://www.cmd.gov.ar/cmd/como-llegar


"TBL (Task-based learning) and PPP (Presentation-Practice-Production): Comparing & Contrasting different ways of organizing a lesson"


"Most teachers learned to plan lessons based on the PPP model. This workshop will discuss its effectiveness by taking participants through a demonstration to show how the PPP model differs from the TBL model. Similarities between the two models are also discussed, and participants can decide if they would like to experiment with their classrooms to find out what works best for them."


Fecha: Jueves 17 de noviembre

Horario: 14 a 16 hs

Lugar: CMD - Centro Metropolitano de Diseño, Algarrobo 1041, Barracas, C.A.B.A. - Ver "Cómo llegar" http://www.cmd.gov.ar/cmd/como-llegar


"Six (6) classroom tasks for task-based learning (TBL)"


"Through interactive demonstration, the participants will gain a familiarity with the building blocks used for creating task-based activities for learning English. Six (6) common tasks for TBL (Task-based Learning) will be covered: Listing, Ordering/Classifying, Problem-solving, Sharing Personal Experience, Comparing, and Creative Tasks. Time permitting, participants will have the opportunity to share ways in which they can integrate tasks into lessons with students of varying ages and proficiency levels."


Fecha: Jueves 24 de noviembre

Horario: 14 - 15.30 hs

Lugar: Instituto de Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández”, Carlos Pellegrini 1515, Salón 400, 4º piso, C.A.B.A.


“How to Organize Moderated Discussions (Group Work)”


“The moderated discussion is a format for oral interaction. In this model, the student can either be the leader or a participant giving input on a particular issue. In the academic environment, it is an excellent way for students to gain practice with the vocabulary and terminology needed for their specific fields of study. This workshop will demonstrate the basics of organizing content-specific moderated discussions. Participants will engage in some mini-discussions, and appropriate phrases and techniques will be presented.”


Fecha: Viernes 25 de noviembre

Horario: 14.30 a 16 hs

Lugar: Instituto de Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández”, Carlos Pellegrini 1515, Salón 400, 4º piso, C.A.B.A.


“How To Teach Presentation Skills”


“Giving presentations is an important professional skill; with a growing international community, presenting in English is essential for business people, researchers, and educators. Students need to practice this skill in the English language classroom, but what kinds of activities are most effective? How can students feel comfortable, be organized, sound fluent, and present information clearly? By providing opportunities to practice and a variety of feedback methods. Come ready to talk!”


Se otorgan certificados de asistencia.

ACTIVIDAD GRATUITA con inscripción previa


Pre-inscripción a uno o más talleres:


Consultas: idiomas@buenosaires.gob.ar

sábado, 22 de octubre de 2011

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011

Fechas de Finales - Diciembre 2011

Las siguientes, son las fechas correspondientes a la carrera de Inglés para el próximo turno evaluativo en el mes de Diciembre.

Espacio de la práctica docente I




Lengua y Cultura I

Grodski, Barbara

21 de Noviembre

12 de Diciembre

Lengua y Expresion Escrita

Oyhamburu, Stella M.

24 de Noviembre

17 de Diciembre

Lengua y Expresion Oral

Casareski, Andrea

22 de Noviembre

13 de Diciembre

Perspectiva Filosofico Didactica

Araujo, Rodolfo

29 de Noviembre

13 de Diciembre

Perspectiva Pedagogico Didactica

Brignole, Silvina

02 de Diciembre

16 de Diciembre

Perspectiva Sociopolítica

Brenner, Andrés

03 de Diciembre

12 de Diciembre

Psicologia del alumno de EGB 1

Ricci, Jorge

25 de Noviembre

17 de Diciembre

Espacio de la práctica docente II




Lengua y Cultura I

Suhring, Ingrid

21 de Noviembre

12 de Diciembre

Lengua y Expresion Escrita II

Coviella, Andrea

02 de Diciembre

16 de Diciembre

Lengua y Expresion Oral II

Casareski, Andrea

23 de Noviembre

07 de Diciembre

Perspectiva Filosofico Didactica II

Araujo, Rodolfo

22 de Noviembre

13 de Diciembre

Perspectiva Pedagogico Didactica II

Serignese, Graciela

30 de Noviembre

14 de Diciembre

Inglés y su enseñanza I

Coviella, Andrea

03 de Diciembre

12 de Diciembre

Psicologia del alumno de EGB 2

Urquiza, Valeria

1 de Diciembre

15 de Diciembre

Espacio de la práctica docente III

Coviella, Andrea

19 de Diciembre

19 de Diciembre

Lengua y Cultura III

Grodski, Bárbara

24 de Noviembre

17 de Diciembre

Lengua y Expresion Escrita III

Saubidet O, Stella

23 de Noviembre

07 de Diciembre

Lengua y Expresion Oral III

Casareski, Andrea

02 de Diciembre

16 de Diciembre

Perspectiva Filosofico Pedagógico Didactica

Ricci, Cristina Rafaela

22 de Noviembre

06 de Diciembre

Perspectiva Politica Institucional

Cabrera, Mónica

22 de Noviembre

13 de Diciembre

Inglés y su enseñanza II

Coviella, Andrea

21 de Noviembre

12 de Diciembre

Psicologia del alumno de EGB 3 y Polimodal

Audine, Enrique

01 de Diciembre

15 de Diciembre

Espacio de la práctica docente IV

Suhring, Ingrid

19 de Diciembre

19 de Diciembre

Lengua y Cultura IV

Grodzki, Bárbara E.

02 de Diciembre

16 de Diciembre

Lengua y Expresion Escrita IV

Saubidet O. Stella M.

29 de Noviembre

13 de Diciembre

Lengua y Expresion Oral IV

Casareski, Andrea

01 de Diciembre

15 de Diciembre

Segunda Lengua Extranjera

Cao, Lia

21 de Noviembre

12 de Diciembre

Lengua Española

Elola, Susana

30 de Noviembre

14 de Diciembre

Inglés y su enseñanza III

Serignese, Graciela

23 de Noviembre

07 de Diciembre