We wish you all the best for the coming year.
Warm regards,
APIBA Executive Committee
Sitio destinado al intercambio de información entre los alumnos del Profesorado de Inglés del Instituto Superior de Formación Docente N° 41
We wish you all the best for the coming year.
Warm regards,
APIBA Executive Committee
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From the President |
Dear APIBA Members,
We are rounding off a year with plenty of achievements for APIBA. We celebrated the SIGs’ 10th anniversary, APIBA represented FAAPI at the IATEFL 2010 Conference, we continued working for the recognition and professional development of graduate teachers by means of agreements with various organisations and APIBA 2010 events, offered scholarships and special benefits to APIBA Members and APIBA Best Graduating Average Award to three newly-graduates, sent APIBA SIGs Timetable and Calendar of Events monthly, improved communication with our Members and other teachers of English through APIBA Blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, our ever-growing e-group, and much more... You can read all details in this year’s AGM “Memoria 2010”, which also mentions the many people and institutions APIBA is grateful to for their constant support. The Executive Committee also continues working hard as we are updating and modernising APIBA’s administrative records as well as systematising institutional procedures.
Below you will find the highlights of the second semester and links to photos and more information. We would really appreciate your feedback, so as you read, please do leave comments and suggestions under the relevant posts in APIBA Blog or send them to difusion@apiba.org.ar. Many thanks!
We are especially looking forward to 2011 to celebrate our Association’s 40th Anniversary. We are already making plans for this landmark year.
On behalf of the Executive Committee, Happy New Year and enjoy your summer holidays!
Analía Kandel
APIBA AGM 2010 - New APIBA Executive Committee |
Asamblea Anual Ordinaria - Convocatoria 2010
● Informe del Órgano de Fiscalización 2010
● Código de Ética Profesional de APIBA (updated 23/10/10)
● ¿Qué es una Comisión Directiva?
● Nueva Comisión Directiva (oct 2010 - oct 2011)
President: Analía Kandel
Vice-President: Graciela C. Moyano
Secretary: María Luisa Ghisalberti
Treasurer: Virginia López Grisolía
Deputy Treasurer: Paula Miniño
Claudia Naom
Marina Cantarutti
Gabriela Madera
Laura Aza
FAAPI 2010 |
See photos, a video and read all about the 35th FAAPI Annual Conference
in ACPI’s web site and in APIBA Blog
FAAPI 2011 |
APIBA Events |
Click to see photos and read all about APIBA recent events!
● 4 September APIBA Annual Seminar 2010
● 2 October Language Refresher course by Jorge Ghenadenik
● 23 October Professional Fees
● 4 December End-of Year Toast
On 11 September 2010 APIBA SIGs celebrated Teacher’s Day at TEL Center. See photos and read more
On 4 December 2010 the APIBA SIGs Closing Event was attended by enthusiastic SIG members who shared the activities carried out this year and suggested new projects for 2011. We all thanked APIBA SIGs Liaison Officer Claudia Sobico , who finished her term, and welcomed committed APIBA Member Viviana Myslicki who, together with Romina Arena , will be the 2011 APIBA SIGs Liaison Officers. See photos and read more!
APIBA Best Graduating Average Awards 2010 |
APIBA member Cinthia Smith and APIBA Treasurer Virginia López Grisolía were proud to hand out APIBA Best Graduating Average Awards:
● 30 September 2010: The ENS LV Sofía B. de Spangenberg winner of the one-year membership award was María Luján Carneiro. See photos and read more
● 4 December 2010: The ISP Joaquín V. González winners of the one-year membership award were Julieta Barbeito and Jackie Rico. See photos and read more
Free membership of APIBA for Heads of English Teacher Training Institutions |
Heads of the English Department of City and Province of Buenos Aires Teacher Training institutions are entitled to free membership of APIBA. Read more
APIBA Research Database |
APIBA makes its contribution to English teachers' professional development by compiling relevant details of research work done in the field of the teaching of English. Read the available abstracts and find out how to send your own at www.apiba.org.ar Research
Members’ Contributions |
● APIBA Member Cinthia Smith attended a postgraduate course on Intonation by Professor William Greaves at Universidad de la Pampa last October and she kindly shared a report with us.
● APIBA Member Silvana Garófalo was selected by AFS after applying for an APIBA scholarship for a five-day intensive course on Intercultural Studies. Silvana will kindly share what she learnt in a mini-event to take place early next year. See photos and read her report
We thank both Cinthia and Silvana for their contributions!
We would like to continue the tradition of APIBA Members actively participating in our Newsletter. The following texts are most welcome at info@apiba.org.ar
Letters to the Editor, Articles, Classroom Tips & Ideas, Anecdotes, Reflections and more! The sky is the limit! We look forward to your contributions!
APIBA Web 2.0 |
APIBA invites its Members to APIBA Blog, Twitter, LinkedIn and e-group
Welcome new APIBA Members! |
We would like to welcome our new members:
Office Hours |
Our office will be closed from 22 Dec until early February. If you need to contact us, please send a message to info@apiba.org.ar
APIBA Calendar of Events |
APIBA monthly Calendar of Events provides information on upcoming events in the English Teaching profession, news, job offers as well as links of interest.
APIBA Members with their dues up to date have a free publication service (events & job offers). Those who wish to publish can submit information in the required format by the end of each month for the upcoming issue.
December 2010 Calendar of Events
Next Calendar of Events: March 2010
News from our Members |
● APIBA Member María Marta Suárez sends information about “ALL - Alternative Language Learning” teacher training courses for February 2011.
● APIBA Member Mady Casco kindly offers her fellow APIBA Members a 15% discount when enrolling in “At Home” workshops.
Reminder: 2010 & 2011 dues |
Estimado/a socio/a o docente graduado/a que desee formar parte de APIBA, su Asociación Profesional:
Si sos socio/a y aún no pagaste la cuota anual 2010 ($100), APIBA te recuerda que estás a tiempo de hacerlo hasta el 31/12/10:
Forma de pago: Depósito por el monto indicado en cualquier sucursal de Banco Ciudad o transferencia bancaria CC/$ 659/6 Sucursal 46 CBU 0290046900000000065964 CUIT 30-66211994- 2. A continuación, no olvides escribir tu nombre completo en MAYUSCULAS en el talón de depósito o comprobante de transferencia y enviarlo por e-mail a protesorera@apiba.org.ar
Si sos socio/a o deseás asociarte, también te informamos que la Asamblea General Ordinaria del 23/10/10 fijó el importe de la cuota anual 2011 en $200 ($16.66.- por mes), con las siguientes modalidades:
1. Profesores dentro de su primer año de graduación - Cuota anual $100.- todo el año($8.33.- por mes)
2. Nuevos socios - Cuota anual $150.- todo el año
3. Socios: hasta el 30/04/11 descuento del 25% - Cuota anual $150.- ($12.50.- por mes)
4. Socios: a partir del 01/05/11 - Cuota anual $200.-
Como en toda institución, los asociados/as deben mantener la cuota social al día. El no pago de la misma no invalida la condición de socio/a. Por lo tanto, la decisión de renunciar a la membresía de APIBA debe ser puesta de manifiesto formalmente, por escrito.